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Problems in and solutions for ZTC 1.3

There are numerous problems within the standard ZTC 1.3. For some of these problems, we have posted issues on Github for ZGW. In the table below we list the Github issues and indicate how various Roxit components (should) deal with them.

Problem (short)Github issueSolution in ZTC registration component itselfSolution in ZRC, BRC or DRCSolution in ZTC config app (PMA process, casetype management)Solution in client app
ztc-013 is unclear#2482Apply the rule only to roltype-zaaktype, eigenschap-zaaktype, statustype-zaaktype, zaaktypeinformatieobjecttype-zaaktype and resultaattype-zaaktype.
Filter on status for object types without status unclear#2479Filter on status of related case type
Scope geforceerd verwijderen (forced delete) unclear#2478Scope must be ignoredDo not give the possibility to delete pubished types (in stead give the casetype an end date)
Scope geforceerd schrijven (forced update) superfluous#2477Scope must be ignoredGive a warning when correcting
Double relationship: BT-> ZT on BT and ZT-> BT on ZT#2475Relationship BT-> ZT is not stored (or retrieved)When creating or updating a Besluit with a related case, check whether the casetype of the case is related to the besluittype of besluitOnly allow config on ZT->BT. Do not give the possibility BT-> ZTRetrieve possible BT's by a GET on ZT. The get on BT will not return ZT's
Which URL's of related ZT, BT or IOT (here related type or "RT") are returned in GET on BT, ZT, ZIOT and IOT (here objecttype or "OT")#2474Return the following url's of RT:
  • OT has a relationship with RT;
  • RT has concept=false;
  • begingeldigheid of RT <= today;
  • eindegeldigheid of RT is empty or > today.
-If the name (= description, identification) of RT also is available in the response - show that. Otherwise do a GET on the RT and show its name.-
ZTC: attribute name of ZT identificatie en ZT datumgeldigheid is different in response resultaattype#2473zaaktypeIdentificatie and datumgeldigheid in responseuse zaaktypeIdentificatie and datumgeldigheid from response
Business rule ztc-011 is ambiguous and superfluous#2471Do not implement ztc-011Do not implement ztc-011. Do use ztc-010 (with adjustments - see below) and ztc-009
Business rule ztc-012 is unclear and superfluous#2476Do not implement ztc-012Do not implement ztc-012. Do use ztc-010 (with adjustments - see below) and ztc-009
Catalogus attribute is superfluous in POST/PUT/PATCH voor Resultaattype en Roltype#2468Neglect the catalogue field in these callsDon't implement a possibility to add a catalogue to Resultaattype en Roltype
Unclear in which format BT and IOT are added to resultaattype and whether they are required#2467For both BT and IOT:
  • Don't check on required (it is NOT required);
  • expect an array;
  • expect omschrijving (not url)
For both BT and IOT:
  • Don't check on required (it is NOT required);
  • support multiple (array);
  • show omschrijving (not url)
ztc-010 is unclear and should be rewritten#2456If Roltype, Statustype, Eigenschap, Zaaktype-Informatieobjecttype, Resultaattype or Zaakobjecttype is related to ZT with concept=false then no POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE is allowed except in correction modeIf Roltype, Statustype, Eigenschap, Zaaktype-Informatieobjecttype, Resultaattype or Zaakobjecttype is related to ZT with concept=false then no POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE is allowed except in correction mode
New business rule begin/einde Geldigheid#2455Apply to published versions of ZT with identical identifications, BT with identical descriptions, and IOT with identical descriptions: They may not have overlap in Geldigheid (validity). The period of validity (geldigheidsperiode) is the series of dates >= beginGeldigheid AND <= eindGeldigheid, (where empty eindGeldigheid is the highest possible date).Apply to published versions of ZT with identical identifications, BT with identical descriptions, and IOT with identical descriptions: They may not have overlap in Geldigheid (validity). The period of validity (geldigheidsperiode) is the series of dates >= beginGeldigheid AND <= eindGeldigheid, (where empty eindGeldigheid is the highest possible date).
POST zaken not backwards compatible because deelzaaktypen required#2452Do not check on presence DeelzaaktypenDo not require deelzaaktypen
GET ZT -> informatieobjecttypen should return array (not string)#2445Return multiple IOT (if present) in responseSupport multiple IOT in responseSupport multiple IOT in response
POST besluittype should support related ZT#2437Allow the field but neglect it (see #2475)Do not support this attribute (see #2475)